Wednesday, 30 July 2008


Not sure how old this is, or whether it's been on tele loads of times before and I'm the last to see it... But thought it was cool. Guy Richie is pretty sylish.

rafaƫl rozendaal's single serving websites

Rozendaal creates single serving websites, what does this mean? Well they only serve one purpose (spinning a wheel or slamming doors on each other to name just two), frustratingly inane or classicly minimalist, however you see them, I think they're worth a look

check them out via the website

Thursday, 24 July 2008


Need some company at your computer? Want to liven up your work desk? Here's the answer!
"Readymechs are free, flatpack toys for you to print and build. They are designed to fit on an 8.5"x11" page and printed with any printer. You’ll need double-sided tape, thick matte paper, and 10-15 minutes for build time."
Choose your new little friend, print off the net, cut em out, and stick together. I've got one so far... Gonna see how many I can get to take-over my desk before the weekend.
A project from


We've featured stuff from behance on here before (the rather lovely Action Runners). They have a few different sites, with online magazines, job listings, and -best of all- loads and loads of sweet portfolios. Just saw this on the main page... Rather impressive, no? Wait til you see this!

From the portfolio of 'Evandro Reis'.


Was having a conversation with a mate t'other weekend - I was telling him how my new obsessive compulsion is to shift the baseline of all @ symbols down a tad. They always seem to sit too high.

He asked whether that sort of thing really stands out, and if it's worth taking the time to do so... Made me think. No one is really going to notice that all the a glyphs in the @ symbols are sitting more in suit with the other letterforms... But that's the point. You don't want people to notice.

Just saw this on a few different blogs... Think it sums it all up pretty well.

Tuesday, 22 July 2008


Wordle is a little bit of online jiggery, which takes words from any website or blog, and sorts them into attractive juxtaposed compositions. Find it here... Not sure what it's actually for... But worth killing a few minutes with.

Monday, 21 July 2008

Saturday, 19 July 2008


A friend of mine has the fortunate talent of hand-building rather good guitars... I'm tempted by the idea of learning the bass... For the last 6 months or so, I've been trying to sketch out ideas for my own custom-built, 100% original, bass guitar.

I'll try to remember to scan and upload some designs on Monday. Anyway. It'll probably take me a while to save up the cash, and I'd quite like to learn the basics on a cheap n cheerful set up... Before the good stuff...

Sticking 'bass guitar' into google's "products" or "shopping", came up with this...

YES! I want one, and I want one now.

Rickenbacker 4003, Bass Guitar: £1,299.00
... Maybe a tad out of my price range at the mo...

Maybe I'll wander into the city tomorrow, and have a butchers for some cheap deals... If anyone wants to contact said friend about building a guitar, feel free to e-mail me - I'll pass on the info. Cheers

Thursday, 17 July 2008


I reguarly find myself browsing through
An adundance of technical talent and creative flair. Loads of online portfolios, interesting articles, and so on... I just stumbled upon this little beaut.

DT Magazine - "It’s French & Fresh!"
"Our goal is to make an unity, an Avant-garde, an unique structure for all artists... DT is a free, online & french magazine." Read the two first issues via links below (the online page viewer is just as slick as the mag)

Wednesday, 16 July 2008


amazing what you can find in a box at work

mulheres barbadas illustrations

These illutrations are really cool and funky, get lost, literally, in the images i mean...obviously
more here

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

TRANSFORMERS - furniture in disguise

With urban living spaces becoming more and more compact, and the importance of recycling beginning to slowly sink in, designers are coming up with some great 'transforming' furniture. has a dandy little article on both multi-purpose, and space saving ideas.
I love the simplicity of these pack-away bench/chairs. Marvellous.

Friday, 11 July 2008


These funky guys at mystakes have come up with some pretty cool stuff.
Especially the 'tetris ice cube tray' and 'not my bag' bag.
I'm not entirely sure if they are available yet in the UK, but the website is pretty neat anyway.

Wednesday, 9 July 2008


"Often considered to be one of the most unspectacular design elements ever invented."...

Clearly communicating a list of chapters, sections, what have you.
Simple, and easy retrieval of information... Surely that's the key to an effective table of contents?

Smashing magazine takes a look at some of the more creative solutions to this (usually fairly generic) format of typography.

Tuesday, 8 July 2008


Check these out, in cast aluminium (or iron), they also sell a range of other interesting thingamebobs on their website at houseindustries

Thursday, 3 July 2008

I HEART FFFFOUND DOT COM nice desktop screen grab on there too.


We have a canteen at work... Sometimes the food there is actually half decent (no cases of food poisioning, as yet). I just went to get a coffee, and was taken by a ham & egg baguette. Who was I to refuse? As I was heading back to my department, for a fun-filled day of condensed fonts being manually extended, and helvetica light being put into bold through quark, I grabbed a few sachets of salt n' pepper...

To my surprise, the condiment merchant's have had their black pepper pouchs redesigned! (that, or the catering company have found a cheaper vendor...... I prefer the first idea).

Check out the modernist (maybe communist?), cold, steely type on the new ones. Where's the friendly little illustration of, what I presume is, a cute little pepper plant. The handwritten blotchy inked title we all loved has been replaced by a mechanical, upper case statement... I do actually prefer it though.

It must be a bad sign, that this is what's on my mind at work in a 'creative design studio'...Here's what MY black pepper sachet would look like:

Clarendon. Traditional enough to put across the refined, professional feel of the clearly superior choice in food seasoning. But with approachable, soft, modern serifs and bulging bowls and curves to invite those who haven't quite made up their mind. And to add a bit of depth, a subtle cap P (obviously to match the partnering S for salt). I'd want the packet to be made out of a course recycled paper, to give it a nice texture.

How did you spend your thursday morning?

The salt packaging has now followed suit. Constructivism is taking over.